Major Crimes Review

While I was still working on my thesis, I thought that I would like to finally re-watch Major Crimes after many years of not having been able to do it. It’s the kind of project my brain comes up with when I’m trying to avoid actual work. In the end, it took me longer than intended to get started with this, but here it finally is—my little private therapy session. Okay, so it’s not all that private if I share it on the internet, I guess. But I thought maybe there are others who struggle to reclaim the show after the way it ended, or people who simply miss discussing the show, so I’ll put my thoughts about each episode here. Some of those posts might be just short comments, some of them might end up longer, and not all of them will be praise. If you have comments, additional thoughts, or simply want to discuss an aspect of the episode, feel free to drop a comment. I’d love it if this little project brought people back to talking about this show.

The main page: Major Crimes Review

The first episode: 1×01 Reloaded

2 thoughts on “Major Crimes Review

    • 😂 I can’t say I blame you. I’m already scared about watching that season, but I have sooooooo much to say about those episodes…

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