2×01 Final Cut

It has been a while since I posted the last review, but life has been pretty crazy, and probably will not calm down much any time soon. I debated waiting and posting the reviews for season two during the summer, in time for the tenth anniversary, but if I keep that up, we’ll still be here in five years, so I’ll post them whenever they are done. I do apologize in advance for the delays between posts that will absolutely happen, but I do hope that you’ll enjoy them regardless. As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts on the episodes.

So, without further ado, the first episode of season two, in which Lieutenant Provenza is grumpy about feeling old, Flynn is trying to buy himself a few more years, and Sharon and Rusty get to deal with a new DDA.

2×01 Final Cut

2 thoughts on “2×01 Final Cut

  1. Hello Kate,
    I am so glad that you started the reviews up, again. I was so bummed when they stopped coming. I must admit this is not one of my favorite shows, but can I just comment on how awesome Mary McDonnell looked this season. Her looks change quite often and she looks great this season.
    The scene where Rusty is first being interviewed by Emma is just superb acting on Mary McDonnell’s part. Her extreme compassion for what Rusty went through is expertly conveyed through her facial expressions and the dialogue. Also, I love your insight into the scene when Sharon has to persuade Rusty into finishing the interview. Once again, great acting from both.
    I am irritated with this episode because Chief Taylor is such a jerk to Captain Raydor. And, although I understand the overall purpose of Emma Rios’ character to the show, it seems odd that the District Attorney’s Office would give such a high profile case to an inexperienced DDA. Also, it is not believable at all that Provenza would leave an ongoing interview right before the suspect is going to confess because Rusty calls him away. Sorry, I tend to nitpick.
    Once again, thank you. I love your reviews.

    • Hi Jennifer,
      Thank you so much for your lovely comment!
      I absolutely agree with you on Sharon’s look during season 2. It’s absolute perfection!
      I also think you’ve got a point with Emma getting that high-profile case. I mean, I’m all for more badass lady characters on my favorite show, but it doesn’t really make much sense.
      As for Provenza leaving Electronics during the interview… I guess he trusts the others to keep an eye on things. They’re all experienced detectives, after all. It it a little strange though that Rusty gets constant and instant access to everyone on the team. They are at work, after all. But then, Rusty is the main character of the show… (/sarcasm)

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